What Color Is Obsidian

While obsidian is most commonly known for its deep, jet-black color, its actual shade can vary depending on several factors:

  • Impurities: The presence of different minerals and elements can influence the color. Iron and other transition elements can give obsidian a brownish or even reddish tinge.
  • Gas bubbles: Tiny gas bubbles trapped within the glass can create a golden sheen or iridescent patterns.
  • Crystal inclusions: Some obsidian varieties, like snowflake obsidian, contain small white crystals (spherulites) that create a speckled or snowflake-like appearance.

Therefore, while classic obsidian is a striking black, you might also encounter:

  • Brownish-black obsidian: Due to iron oxide content.
  • Golden sheen obsidian: With tiny gas bubbles.
  • Snowflake obsidian: With white crystal inclusions.

So, next time you see obsidian, remember that its color, like its origins in fiery lava, can be surprisingly diverse and intriguing!


Bhaskar Singh

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